Holocaust Schmolocaust
Wow! Everyone is rioting! I see people protesting Jimmy Carter because he said Jewish people are partly at fault for the violence there and now it's a big deal that Iran is holding a conference to discuss whether the Holocaust horror was exaggerated to create sympathy for people of Jewish faith. Oh my god! They even brought in wacko "experts" to discuss theories that it may have been completely fabricated. Oy Vey!
Let's all calm down a minute and be adults. Why would Iran host a conference about the treatment of Jewish people sixty years ago? Most likely because it's more offensive than telling everyone that Israel's mom is a fat whore. Other than being passive aggressive, this move serves no other purpose for Iran. On the other hand, for the rest of the world, they have laid their cards on the table. After all the demonstrations and violence across Muslim communities over the Danish cartoons, the comments of the Pope, the immigrant employment conditions in France, Koran abuse in Guantanimo, and treatment of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, it's obvious that this is a move to cause reaction in the rest of the world. Someone said, "We need some Jewish riots."
Do you think anyone in Iran cares if the Holocaust really occured? Does anyone in the world care what David Duke thinks? So if the theory is the Holocaust was a lie to glean support from the rest of the world to displace Muslims and create the state of Israel, then this still doesn't change anything. If the legitimacy of their claim to the land is in question, then maybe we should give Iran back to the Sassanids, or the Parthians, or the Seleucids, or the Medians, or the Elamites. All of these people were displaced from that land.
Iran (Ahmadinejad) says Israel will be wiped from the face of the map and the zionist regime will soon be extinct. If this is a threat it sure seems like a stupid one. Right now, if Islamic leaders could keep their wits, they could garner more sympathy around the world than ever before with all the imperialistic crap going on over there. Any attack on Israel would spark a true holy world war and almost all the non-muslims (70% of the population of the world) would be inclined to approve the annihilation of Iran as a country. Then all the white people would be wearing radiation suits to extract the oil there for free.
The government of Iran knows this. They aren't going to sacrifice seventy million Muslims to get rid of a pesky 4.8 million Jewish neighbors. And to destroy the Jewish population, they would have to also kill the 1.5 million Muslims living in Israel. I'm not saying that we shouldn't take Iran seriously when they are openly or passively aggressive to other countries. The best policy in this situation is the same one that applies to individuals who use passive aggressive techniques. At the next G8 summit, or UN meeting, or big world press conference, treat Iran like you would someone with a PA problem (like me):
Circumvent: Be cooperative. Don’t be judgmental, angry, controlling.
Defuse: Call them on their behavior without judging it. Let them fix themselves.
Protect: Don’t expect or want anything from them.
Use Their Strength: Put them in situations where they need to follow orders or please others.
Heal: Be cooperative. Make sure they have a positive experience in asserting themselves.
Together we can change this dysfunctional relationship in the middle east, but not by allowing them to create more distance with petty acts like this. It's really a cry for help.
I just have to laugh. Funny site though, it must be a nice world you live in where we can all hold hand and sing together, want to visit reality sometime.
2:42 PM, December 15, 2006
It's really sad that you live in the most powerful, imperialistic country in the world and you're still scared of some backwater country that doesn't have indoor plumbing in a large percentage of their communities.
It's obviously you that doesn't have a handle on reality. Maybe we should build a 500 foot tall fence around the whole country including the beaches. That will keep them out until they figure out how to fly planes.
9:18 AM, December 18, 2006
Hey.. nice blog! I found my way here via RightWingBedWetter, aka Rightwing guy.
You know what's really amusing.. Terry (aka Rightwingnutzoid) deletes every single comment I leave at his blog. The first ammendment has no use in the Glorious Christian Crusade to Subjugate the Brown People.
It's hilarious. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm the reason he switched to haloscan.. and he started banning me, whilst not really knowing how to do it, until he finally decided to "moderate" comments.. which essentially means that nobody else sees my snark before he deletes it all.
The truth is, RWG is just a chickenhawk. He refuses to enlist in the military, despite being of prime fighting age. He's a coward that wants others to do the fighting and dying for him.
He's also a blind authoritarian cultist. Anything than Bush does is "right" and anything a liberal/progressive does is anti-American.
It's also amusing when former administration officials crap all over King George (ala Powell). RWG flips out and insults their integrity despite having zero credentials for commenting himself. I once posted a comment with a list of Colin Powell's achievements, and compared it to Terry's (he's a truck driver) and that comment lasted about 30 seconds before hitting the delete bin.
You're quite right that the wingers live in a state of perpetual fear. I can't tell you how many times he claims that if we don't blindly bomb the shit out of every Muslim nation, we'll be beheaded the moment we step out our front door.
But I don't think his greatest fear is the "savages", as he likes to call them. His greatest fear is liberals and progressives.. You know.. the types that actually went to University, and have actually traveled outside the United States and realize the world does NOT revolve around the U.S. as Terry would like.
I think my favorite all time moment on his blog was when he claimed an I.Q. of 140, and I took his post and dissected it for spelling and grammar and found something like 25 errors. I laughed pretty hardily at that one.
But, I'll keep leaving comments on his blog. I'll keep asking when he's finally going to enlist in the Army, considering the "crises" the Army is facing in troop levels. But he never will enlist, because he'd piss his pants the moment the chopper set down in Baghdad..
1:13 PM, December 18, 2006
Thanks Tom,
I appreciate the comments. We all have to stick together. We have to make sure that we present our perspective because there are a lot more rational people out there than people like rightwing guy. Unfortunately, guys like this are sometimes more vocal than most rational people. It's not that big a deal when we see how small a minority they really are. We have to find some way to marginalize their ravings.
Fight the power!
8:58 AM, December 19, 2006
repeat the democrat mantra...
Bush is the enemy...Bush is the enemy...Bush is the enemy...and see how that works out for you in the long run.
i gotta give you credit for one thing aaron, you were honest enough to admit that you do NOT support a victory by America in Iraq or a democratic iraqi government and that you have no interest in uniting the country or reducing the polarization...(no thats not the opposite of global warming) of America.
i do feel sad for you though,... i must confess.
1:22 PM, December 21, 2006
Wow there are a lot of wackos out there. Where do I say that Bush is the enemy on this blog? I'm critical of this president just like I am of every president. It's our duty as citizens to speak when something is not right. We are the government.
I try to avoid ad hominem attacks even against uneducated comments like red stater here. I'll address each of your points and move on. I am tempted to remove the post, but not due to its content. The clutter of bad grammar and sentence structure really bothers me. If you're going to post a comment, at least proof read it so that it doesn't sound like a 6-year-old. It's all about flow and readability.
I'm not sure what you mean about NOT supporting victory by America in Iraq. I said that I believe what you describe is a Pyrrhic victory and maybe that's good enough for you because it's got the big V, but I'm more about supporting the troops and bringing them home alive and unharmed.
Personally, I think that Iraq should have whatever type of government they want. If we force them into having a Democracy, then it's not really a Democracy the way I understand the definition of that word.
Uniting the country? Reducing polarization? I guess YOU do that by condescending attacks on other people's blogs. Maybe that's working for you, but I think I'll stick to a commentary about the facts. This is a place for debate. If you want to talk about the issues, let's talk. If you want to keep making fun of my picture, talk about my unibrow, call me a hypocrite, tell me that stupid can't be fixed, patronize me and misrepresent my comments, then I'm gonna have to bust you.
This is the adult world. You don't have to feel sad, or even confess.
3:35 PM, December 21, 2006
"Personally, I think that Iraq should have whatever type of government they want".
They voted for the type of government they want...and you don't support it.
or at least you don't support America helping them achieve it.
You are dead wrong also about Ahmadinejad.
do a little more research and you will find that he is more than willing to let millions of mulsims die to destroy Israel... in fact his plan is for EVERYONE to die... including pacifist liberals.
10:26 PM, December 21, 2006
avandeg: "where do I say that Bush is the enemy on this blog"?
You only have to go about 3 posts down to find this gem.
" ...a fascist elitist ignorant jerk can hijack our country, drive it into the ground economically, bankrupt the future while skimming billions in war profiteering for himself and his cronies, killing probably more people than Stalin, selling himself as your savior and protector, telling you that he's a God-fearing man, and all the while he's spying on you and incarcerating your countrymen without trial, without representation, without charges, but with torture, indefinitely."
That doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement there avandeg/aaron.
It sure sounds like you are talking about your enemy.
maybe you libs talk about all your "friends" like that.
Funny though, i don't see any comments like that about liberal Democrats here.
You are a partisan hack who pretends to be interested in "intelligent discourse" and "debate"... but not very well.
10:41 PM, December 21, 2006
Wow. So much hatred. I shouldn't even respond to purely emotional opinions, but there are a few points I want to make:
1) Ahmadinejad isn't any more conservative or theocratic than our current president and there's no way that you could argue that he's more imperialistic. As wacko as he is, it is odd that he sounds like the voice of reason speaking to the United Nations. If he's really going to do something crazy, then the wrath of most of the world will come down upon him. That's one of the problems with a free society; you can't destroy someone for something you think they are going to do. We have to let him do something bad first, unfortunately. You probably want to go around arresting all the people who might commit pedophilia or murder too, eh?
2) I can comment on the president's performance and say that we should either vote for someone else next time, or impeach (indict) him for his actions without him being an enemy. I don't believe in the "your either with us or against us" mentality. Bush is not the enemy, he's just a really bad president.
3) I'd say this qualifies for debate right here. You're right that there's not much intelligent discourse, but that's because you don't really have a point. There's nothing to argue. If I were a partisan hack, I'd call you a partisan hack instead of discussing your points. This blog is a discussion about the men who are running this country. There are no liberal Democrats involved in that process right now.
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