Political Ravings of a Certifiable Card-Carrying Liberaltic

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Not Well-Prepared For Terrorism

Extra! Extra! This just in... If you were starting to feel like we might have succeeded in making terrorism a simple nuisance like prostitution and illegal gambling, well think again. You should be scared. Very scared, because the latest report says that we are not ready for another attack. Not ready? We've spent thousands of dollars and gutted the Federal Emergency Management Agency and practically sacrificed our child New Orleans to the gods in hopes of protecting ourselves from these evil Islamofascists sent from Allah to destroy Christmas, but to no avail. We are all going to die in a fiery plague because we've become secular (translated as Godless in the GOP) anarchists who allow our activist judges to take the legislation of morality out of our representative theocracy.

But let's not stray off topic. We are supposed to be scared. If we would just cringe in fear and terror, then they wouldn't have to frighten us more with the hurricanes, the bird flu and the terrorists. You ask why they can't just build a 20 foot wall around our entire nation. This is America. We should be able to put that great wall to shame if we just get some Mexicans to build it for us. What would that cost? $50 plus materials? And if we paid them in Canadian dollars, that would be about the price of a soda. Then wouldn't we all feel safe?

But no, the reason we will never see a real wall is that they don't want to invest in making us safe. They only invest in making us scared. If you start to feel safe, then they've failed. The upshot is we don't really need to be protected so it's good that we're not spending a lot of money on this, but the bad part is that we are spending a lot of money on the corruption infrastructure that is built around this idea called homeland security. Here's some more sacrilege; It should have been anticipated earlier, but we protected ourselves from the threat of September 11, 2001 by adding a $50 lock to the pilot cabins on all commercial aircraft. No more planes flying into things. Fixed!

What else do we need protection from? We need protection from a government that keeps us under control with fear. That protection comes from transparency. The magic word that would have won an election for Democrats in 2004 (even though it was rigged.) With transparency there can be no duplicity. Why is there no honor in our government? Culture of corruption sounds too cute. Cancer of depravity or ulcer or lesion or something rotten and disgusting. I would say evil, but it's not based on anger or spite or wickedness as much as simple greed, arrogance and the fear that someone will find out that they are inept. If greed is evil, then we are all guilty of it to some degree, but they have no shame or humility mechanisms to limit the extent of their corruption. It's either ego, or the belief that they've gone so far that they have to keep lying and cheating and killing until they get caught.

What is the future of this country? I am scared for my children's sake, but not of the terrorists.


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