Political Ravings of a Certifiable Card-Carrying Liberaltic

Saturday, April 01, 2006

War Powers

During a war, the president has special powers. You can imagine a time when the president was the commander of the military. Calling congress to session to approve certain actions would seem ridiculous, especially without private planes, telephones, video conferencing, paved roads or printing presses. (I know the press was invented in 1041 or 1436 depending on whether you're Chinese or German - let's move on). Anyway, some people will tell you that in the interest of national security these special powers are almost unlimited, but even these citizens would say during peace times, those powers should be regulated.

What is war? It's easy to show examples that are obviously war. In the revolutionary war, an invading force tried to take control and force us to do their bidding. In our civil war, part of the country seceded and there were two armies fighting for either independence or union. In the first world war, a bunch of countries separated into teams and kept killing each other until one side decided it was unbearable. During the Vietnam War, we tried to prop up a country that was incapable or unwilling to hold out against a specific threat. During the Cold War, the enemy was well defined even if it may have been somewhat contrived.

That we call the war on terror, or the war in Afghanistan, or the war in Iraq a war seems unconscionable. We might as well enact the war power for the war on poverty, war on drugs, or the war on Christmas. The threats to us are all specific to the occupying forces and there are no exit criteria and no specific targets anymore. There is no valid reason to suspend habeas corpus, to allow illegal (unregulated) wire-tapping, torture, massive deficit spending, or any suspension of law because we are systematically destroying civilization in some remote corner of the world. Before we start deciding what powers the president should have in a time of war, we should start a real war, or else these arguments are all hypothetical.

Maybe we should try China.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh to live in aarons world.

There are no terrorists.
(except Bush)

There is no war or "jihad".
(just 100,000+ guys in army gear with guns, planes, tanks, ships, shooting and killing other guys with guns, bombs, IED's, mortars and RPG's who are killing innocent people to incite a civil war...oops i said war)

IF liberals could only make the rest of us understand...that Islamic fascism doesn't exist.

Then the islamic fascists would have a much easier time of slaughtering us.

But, you are worried about BUSH listening to your phone calls to your mommy asking for more money (again).
He won't tell anyone or else he already would have.

10:16 PM, December 21, 2006

Blogger Yojimbo said...

I have to leave this comment because it is so typical.

1) Who said there are no terrorists? No one asked me how to fight terrorism. I'll tell you if you ask, but we are creating terrorism.

2) If you want to argue that there's a civil war in Iraq, you might be able to make that claim. It would be much easier than trying to assert that we are there fighting a war.

3) Islamic fascism does exist just like Christian conservative fascism exists here. A military solution will not solve either of these problems.

4) You mock my concerns for privacy indicating that you think we can sacrifice privacy for security (I'm guessing since this is a passive aggressive technique), but really this is just an attack and a topic change to avoid the subject. This is not debate.

2:24 PM, January 08, 2007


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