Political Ravings of a Certifiable Card-Carrying Liberaltic

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Didn't Another Great President Go to China?

Plagued with scandal? Go to China! The last president with a 34% approval rating didn't last long, but unfortunately this time they've packed the Senate, House and Supreme Court with puppets that won't investigate, much less impeach or convict any wrong-doers with a big "R" in front of their names. How will leaving the country help? Out of sight, out of mind? Bringing that old time religion to the communists? Strengthening trade with our most important trade partner in the world? Or is he reporting back to the head of Specter about all the failed initiatives. Maybe Mr. Bush will have a mysterious accident on his return from Asia. Hmmm.

Of course, they've run out of hype news to act as a buffer for all the bad stuff and now the rats are starting to leave (or leak), so what will it take to get congressional Republicans to disavow this president? They obviously don't care about fiscal responsibility looking at our budget deficit, trade deficit, national debt or all the corporation mergers monopolizing energy, defense and the health industry. Corporate responsibility has never been in the GOP vocabulary. Markets will self-moderate. So when Wal-Mart kills all the competition and raises the prices (because they're not making a profit), we can all go on hunger strikes and that will show them.

But, outsourcing is the answer. If we can just pay people in other countries to do all our service work, then it will be cheap enough that we can prevent inflation. What jobs will be left here? I guess the rich people will have to have someone clean their house, mow their lawns, protect them from the mobs that live outside their walls, brave the road warrior anarchy to get their food... or will their food be the mobs that live outside their walls? Mmmmm. Soylent green is poor people.


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