Political Ravings of a Certifiable Card-Carrying Liberaltic

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Obama Speech

This is a speech I believe Barrack Obama should give. I wrote it, but I know he really believes it.

Help us Obama-wan, you're our only hope.

People ask me about my opponent(s) or ask me to comment on something they said and it's frustrating because a campaign is not about which candidate is better. The opinion of one candidate about another is even less important. The bottom line is whether you as a voter 1) know what your candidate is trying to accomplish in office, 2) believe your candidate will do everything they can to pursue that goal, and 3) trust your candidate is competent and efficient in solving the problems to achieve those goals.

Transparency should be the campaign core and lead directly to a candidate's philosophy in office. If you don't know what I want to accomplish for you, then you can't tell me when I'm wrong. I've heard people complain when a leader listens to polls or public opinion, but I'm supposed to be the voice of the people not the mind, so how can I be your voice if I don't listen to you. Some decisions will be ethical dilemmas and some will be difficult, but I trust the majority of American people are principled and even when it's hard to make the right decision, they know the proper path. I also know some of you think the country has lost its way and we need a new moral compass, but this is being overly pessimistic and it's an easy way to blame the people for a problem of poor government or lack of leadership.

When people are pessimistic about the future, it's difficult to make the right choice. When you think there's no one at the helm, what incentive is there to focus on your responsibilities? When you know that I trust you, I believe you will trust me. When I show you everything I want to do for you (nothing behind closed doors unless it's a national security issue), you will know I'm trying to help us all forge a path to success. When everyone in the world can see we're back on course and we're a good neighbor again, the only losers will be the forces that fight against our strength of unity as a world community.

I'm not going to talk about my opponents because I don't have to. I'm going to tell you how my policies are different than theirs, but most of you already know this. You're smart enough to tell when someone is lying to you, so I'm not even worried about their lies (if there are any). If someone asks me about my plans, I'll tell you the truth, but I'm not going to talk about whether I believe my opponents will follow through on their promises, because it's not my place and you've got plenty of media coverage and history to come to your own conclusions.

If you want a soap opera of attacks, it's not coming from this campaign. You should look for a different party. If you want to know what I believe, ask me and I will be blunt and concise. If you don't trust that I want to do what I say, tell me and we'll talk about that. If you don't believe I'm capable of making these changes, then try me because I'm going to make history.


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