Political Ravings of a Certifiable Card-Carrying Liberaltic

Monday, November 21, 2005

Why Don't We Get to Rewrite History Too?

Revisional Historians? Here's an example of rewriting history:
When I made the decision to remove Saddam Hussein from power, Congress approved it with strong bipartisan support. - President Guess Who

Congress approved the option to use force as a last resort to allow you to go back to the UN and put pressure on them to do more or to create stricter resolutions. To rewrite history and say they all approved of the invasion is a blatant lie.

How about another example in the same speech:

Foreign intelligence services and Democrats and Republicans alike were convinced at the time that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

If anyone was convinced, it was because you convinced them. How did you convince them? By telling everyone that you could say without a doubt that it was true. Even with this testimonial, there weren't very many members of congress with a D in front of their names that were convinced, and unless Republicans are all a bunch of sheep or are just complete idiots, my guess is that not many of them were convinced either. But look at all the profits we've made from the war. It's really boosted our economy back up and so the thousands of people dead and tens of thousands of people maimed were probably worth it. At least our gasoline prices are a lot lower now. Maybe we should invade Saudi Arabia next.


Blogger Isabel said...

Hello avandeg,

Just wanted to say I enjoy your political verbnastics very much and hope your new chat show is forthcoming soon as there is not much to watch on television these days and I may actually be forced to read a book. Usually, I prefer talking about books to reading them. Carry on! Godspeed! And all that!

7:08 AM, November 29, 2005

Blogger Yojimbo said...

Thanks for the comments! I think a chat show with major politicians would be a hit, but instead of the politicians themselves, you bring out actors that say what the people would most likely say if they were totally honest. You could start with an interview with President Bush, then Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Rove, Hadley, Chertoff, etc. Then you have a segment of the day where you talk to a different Senator and then another segment with the Representative Bio of the day and make up stuff that's probably true about them. I think you could fill up an hour four days a week with that, right?

You could just talk about reading books. Wouldn't that be the best of both worlds? Thanks!

11:04 AM, November 30, 2005


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