Required Discussion Topics
These are the topics that must be discussed here. If anyone can think of others, leave a comment and I'll add them.
* Education and the scourge of charter schools. - DONE
Energy and the death of capitalism.
Environment and the end of humanity.
Enmity and the real reason behind the Iraq massacre
Economy and the corporate junta that has hijacked our country.
Eminent Domain - you thought it was yours. 9/10ths belongs to the people now. This theory sounds familiar.
Evolution and other facts that we should all know.
Ebortion - You mean I can get one online now?
Emergency response: a glimpse inside a septic administration.
Emigration (not from here, and not to anywhere else - you know, Immigration: the latest paper tiger)
Execution: Until we can get rid of that Hannity, we shouldn't be allowed to kill anyone.
Espionage and the core of the Patriot Act.
Excruciation - but if the death penalty is ok, why not torture? Which is more humane?
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